Their family was regarded as a bit lower than the Ebenbürtige small rulers of Germany thought to be the standard.
Yet we've only to look back over these last ten seasons to know what happens when every ruler, large and small, is free to buy armsmen.
However, the smaller rulers continued to rule in various capacities, and the last reference to such a ruler is found at Vaghli.
He bent over the sheet with a small ruler and made some measurements.
The gadget incorporated a small ruler and needle gauge.
By this time it denoted any ruler in the Portuguese part of Timor, great or small.
The history goes back 500 years when Karaikeni ruler Arasuthevar decided to resolve a dispute between 2 other small rulers.
Scott placed a small ruler on the sheet.
During the Edo period, Japan had many small rulers.
Graph paper and pencils, small ruler or straight edge.