Many large companies that provide advice and support to a small start-up will often create a case study of this work.
It can be a daunting first step for small start-ups to enter the corporate arena.
Both are filled with small start-ups while the majority of the market is controlled by a few powerful companies.
Other members of a family are better off investing in a small little start-up than the family business.
Too easy to get burned, especially with the smaller start-ups.
The smaller start-ups that offer Web phone service seem more problematic.
A few small start-ups, without the marketing resources of a major publisher, had offered authors a similar 50-50 split.
It is a big established company attempting to behave like a small entrepreneurial start-up.
The recipients range from small start-ups to newly created businesses at large existing clients.
The number of companies that have fled, from corporate giants to small start-ups, is thought to be more than 1,000.