The small stateroom had two bunks, a chair, an empty closet and a head.
They were in the small stateroom he had once shared with his father.
Daniel York sat in his small stateroom, his eyes on the clock, watching the slow sweep of the minute hand.
His gaze held hers for a stark moment in the small stateroom in the middle of the dark Atlantic.
After a moment's pause, he pulled the trigger, filling the small stateroom with a crashing report.
They stopped next to a door, which opened to reveal a small stateroom.
The captain called the executive officer into his small stateroom.
Fortunately, the professor was able to upgrade and get the three of them a small stateroom.
I think that's what I'll do," he said, turning and making his way back down the access tube toward his small stateroom.
She took a seat on the love seat to one side of the small stateroom and crossed her legs.