It comprises two small tiers intersected with a row of 32 executive boxes and an executive restaurant.
In December 2011, New China Life began a second wave of IPOs for smaller tier 2 insurers.
The award is given each year to two companies (large and small tier) who prove a commitment to Michigan manufacturing, job creation and positive contributions to the community.
There is a small upper tier of an unknown height just above the main drop.
Continue making ever smaller circular tiers until you top the pyramid with one final cream puff (illustration E).
The main reason is that, in America, stadiums are all seated, and the seats are split into small tiers.
For the small tier, beat the butter and sugar together in a large bowl until light and fluffy.
You could add a smaller top tier of curtains which could be drawn at night should you want complete privacy.
Some included one tier of inclined seating, topped with either a flat roof or, in some instances, a small upper tier.
Successively smaller tiers of participants may be added, each tier supported by the one below it.