More Americans came to the area several weeks later and brought small trinkets to houses, in what Iraqis assumed was something of a peace offering.
He would pick up her small trinkets and examine each one with care, asking where she'd got it.
The first participant to spell out the same word using bottle caps and post on the page would win a small trinket as a prize.
We had even come upon some small trinkets that might gain us entry at a keep, should we be invited into such a dwelling.
He had opened one of his bags and was showing her a variety of small trinkets.
Yon cannot keep me away forever with your small trinket.
Some arcades give tickets from their many machines which can be exchanged for small trinkets, toys and other prizes.
It is used for making many things, including jewellery, accessories, and small trinkets.
Go you now to the lime tree, and bring me back a few small trinkets of gold, to trade for food and drink.
He, his wife and stepdaughters ran through the house, grabbing what they could - picture albums, vital papers, small trinkets.