Even small turtles may reach the century mark, and at least one larger turtle is known, with reasonable certainty, to have lived 152 years.
There were a few fish and some small turtles, but not a bunch of marine life.
Q. Recently I have seen numerous street vendors selling small live turtles.
- toward a small turtle approaching a piece of lettuce.
It was a small turtle, and was about the same size as the modern green turtle.
Some turtle racers have been surprised at the speed that of smaller turtles exhibit.
It feeds on fish and similar surface prey such as small turtles.
Ten inches from his nose a small turtle lay upside down on the curve of its shell.
It shared a glass case with a smaller turtle.
"But it is the small turtles that most often are put in contact with young children, where consequences of infection are likely to be severe."