Sweaters tucked into the small waistline of flaring long skirts look especially attractive.
Combined with small waistlines, the rippling hemlines make for a graceful silhouette.
In a University of Tokyo study, women who ate high-water-content foods had lower body mass indexes and smaller waistlines.
Nina - 1 month 22 days ago The dress looks gorgeous on Kate, it also shows off her small waistline!
Along the road to a smaller waistline, she said, "People can find inner peace, too."
You really can sleep your way to a smaller waistline, and an hour or two more zzzs can make all the difference.
His new space maidens are a gentler race, wearing soft silk clothes with small waistlines and spreading skirts.
Without tempting fate, there may even be other positive side-effects from this traumatic transformation: more energy, a smaller waistline, perhaps firmer buttocks.
He still emphasizes small waistlines with camouflage in the form of ruffles, pleats and flounces above and below.
For others, a few strands worn as a belt accented small waistlines.