Active investors feel that the small-cap market is less efficient since smaller companies are not followed as closely as larger blue-chip firms.
Growth will not be limited to one part of the small-cap market, like the technology sector, Mr. Navellier said.
We're looking at firms that were highly active in the small-cap market.
In fact, the small-cap market is already coming back.
The shares, also traded on the small-cap market, are selling for 31.25 cents apiece.
"On average over the last decade, about 160 deals a year were done in this part of the small-cap market," he said.
Thus, in the cool small-cap market of 1993, value small caps had returns that were nearly double those of the growth types.
A. During most correction periods, the small-cap market does not tend to be a shining star.
Traded on Nasdaq's small-cap market, the shares (with warrants) are currently worth $12.62.
That is because their big-fish market presence, particularly in shallow small-cap markets, will influence price.