Neverthcless there is an ancient house on that cliff, and at evening men see lights in the small-paned windows.
But when Phil peered through the small-paned windows of the old stable door, he didn't see a cab inside.
The door was open, and colorful bolts of cloth stood in the small-paned windows, but no one went in or out.
He closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the small-paned window of the shop.
The cab of the crane is also of iron, with small-paned windows.
Carter spent $7,000 renovating the building's commercial space, including the addition of projecting, small-paned windows on the ground floor.
Directly opposite the fireplace was a door, with several small-paned windows stretching away on both sides.
Odd balconies appeared in front of wide, small-paned windows.
THE space is huge and airy, with a wall of handsome old small-paned windows at the back.
The house also features small-paned flat-topped windows and gable roof.