His smaller-scale works include portrait busts of King Edward VII and Cecil John Rhodes, both in London's National Portrait Gallery.
Since 2000 another venue, the Teatro Sperimentale (Experimental Theatre), has offered the opportunity to present smaller-scale or minor works by contemporaries of Rossini such as Mosca, Generali, and Coccia.
Mendelssohn also wrote many smaller-scale sacred works for unaccompanied choir and for choir with organ.
Mendelssohn's sacred choral music, particularly the smaller-scale works, remains popular in the choral tradition of the Church of England.
In the early 1980s Mach started to produce some smaller-scale works assembled out of unstruck match sticks.
Isolation - social and mental - was also a theme in one of the best of the smaller-scale works, the enigmatically titled "Smala BB," by another Moroccan choreographer, Khalid Benghrib.
In smaller-scale works Corot wrought changes on a variety of more secular riparian subjects: ferrymen, fishermen, women washing laundry or tossing each other playfully into the current.
Herbert also composed a considerable body of smaller-scale works, often writing music for his own performance on the cello or producing individual songs for the Victor Herbert Orchestra.
Her large canvases are well known, but the smaller-scale works featured in this exhibition will come as a revelation.
Members of the March family also created smaller-scale works.