The show features walls double- and triple-hung with smallish to tiny oil paintings, mostly Dutch, Flemish and Italian.
The mix of drawings and smallish paintings works very well.
This show is actually more engrossing for its anomalies, among them a smallish painting by Fine whose tangled lines suggest a rather un-Expressionistic road map and some attention to Mondrian's primaries.
He more or less invented American genre painting, with its emblematic scenes of everyday life, and this carefully honed show of his smallish paintings captures the spirit of an enigmatic man and his complex time.
Nonetheless, this show of thoughtful, often striking juxtapositions of smallish paintings and sculptures demonstrates the surprising extent to which their efforts overlapped during the early years of their careers.
Mr. Trosch's smallish paintings of ditzy, overdressed ladies with their art collections look as if they were collaboratively produced by Florine Stettheimer, Hans Hofmann and Malcolm Morely.
The smallish painting on his chest showed an esoteric spacecraft nearing the North America nebula, all in reds and blacks.
In a smallish painting from 1992, done when she was in her last year at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts here, she is already sprinkling abstraction with images of eyes and lips that are often teasingly out of alignment.
The 22 smallish paintings that ring the walls range from the sacred to the profane to the banal, forming a Currin medley that also reads as a kind of installation.
The six smallish paintings that occupy the entire grand, skylighted main room at Boone are a mixed bag: at their best of a remarkable intensity and compacted energy, and at times claustrophobic, muddy and unresolved.