The only time I was let out was on Sunday afternoons, when the church ladies came with used clothing and smarmy smiles.
The real estate agent stepped forward with his hand outstretched toward Eric, a smarmy smile on his face.
Uncle Paul, with his smarmy smile and ingratiating manner, was only fifteen years older than Madeleine but looked her age.
Could I simply correct the form, I asked with the smarmy smile of sheer desperation?
Riker smiled, that smarmy smile again, the one of which Picard was getting so very tired.
Mokollik stepped toward her, cold eyes gleaming, and smiled his smarmy smile.
Eddie recalled Andy's decidedly smarmy smile and found such altruism hard to swallow.
Gaetano came around the car with a smarmy smile on his face.
"Nikki," he said, dipping his head but unable to conceal his smarmy smile.
I am sure she would derive great comfort from the society of a countrywoman,' he added with a smarmy smile at me.