They will need smartly designed checklists to remind them about the stuff they cannot forget.
Pick up the newest crop of smartly designed emergency supplies; you'll wonder how you ever survived the cold without them.
Missions are smartly designed and require careful consideration.
This is a smartly designed picture book, with every element contributing to the whole.
Erickson felt that more attention had been paid to "the attractive camerawork and the smartly designed interior sets" than to the script or acting.
Still, the Mazda 3 remains a smartly designed, practical (in hatchback form), very fun-to-drive compact car.
The Believer is a monthly magazine as smartly designed as the comics we call graphic novels.
The museum's smartly designed cafe and bar are open without admission.
Camera functions are smartly designed and can be controlled by one hand operating five switches.
The shower was spacious and smartly designed: the floor slopes ever so gently down to a drain in the corner.