A smartly written and scrupulously sourced summation of the issue is offered, along with links to further information.
Given the smartly written material, who can blame them?
"Casper" is not the kind of smartly written movie that works on children's and adult levels at once.
Like the magazine, the novels are handsome, smartly written and deeply eccentric.
Entertaining, smartly written and returing in the New Year, these four series have the potential to become the comfort shows of 2002.
The site describes the film as "tense, smartly written, and wonderfully cast".
I don't deny that it is smartly written.
She concluded that the plot allowed for a "good source of laughs in the smartly written" episode.
The dialogue is smartly written and delivered.
It s this combination of smartly written news stories, features and critical commentary that we think distinguishes The Times.