Given these results, some analysts are reluctant to proclaim the transformation of Reed a smash success just yet.
He's a specialty item now, but in his era, Enlightenment Europe, he was a smash success.
Every one of these features has been a smash success somewhere in the country within the last ninety days.
Thanks to her early interest in acting and her photogenic elegance, she was a smash success.
They played by men's rules and were a smash success with the audience.
"It worked perfectly, a smash success, and now everyone wants yogurt at the end of the meal."
Her plan doesn't go as well as she had hoped, but she's still a smash success and is offered a contract.
It was a smash success and parlayed the actor into the rank of superstar.
It was a strategic error in his career, for South Pacific became a smash success.
It was a smash success, and within a year, Restaurant Associates operated all the food services at the airport.