His hand was smashed sideways as his claws sliced through another ring.
Totha's horses crashed into Blade's chariot, rearing and pawing at it, and it was smashed sideways.
The windows at the stern were ruined holes, the figurehead facing away - the ship had smashed sideways onto the clustered rocks.
Most of it was smashed sideways by the muzzle brake in a perfectly balanced radial pattern, like a donut, so that the recoil moved the barrel straight back against Reacher's shoulder without deflecting it either sideways or up or down.
The Klingon braveIv stood his ground, got in one powerful though ineffectual blow to the android's head, and then was smashed sideways into a control console, which exploded in the impact.
Quinn was smashed sideways even as he pulled the trigger.
The trooper pumped the loader-grip and then was smashed sideways into the packing cartons to his left by a massive fist.
Hendrick's Skeeter had smashed sideways into a grove of them.