It didn't smell very appetizing to Matthew, but he would have preferred it if only because it was hot.
She took three strips of bacon and two of the light, fluffy biscuits, which smelled very appetizing.
The cabin was filled with the aroma of cooking fish, and nothing she could remember had ever smelled so appetizing.
No matter what the cannibals say, human beings don't smell appetizing when they're barbecued.
"And I certainly remember none that smelled so appetizing."
He resists killing Bella even though her blood smells extremely appetizing to him.
They can also give off a stinky musk from glands near their tail, to make them smell less appetizing to other animals.
She took a wrong turning and ended up in a cul-de-sac which smelled not at all appetizing, but nasty, old-mouldy, dead.
Never had such a plain meal smelled so appetizing to Jaxom.
Its nature was utterly strange, but it smelled appetizing enough.