It smelled as sweet as it always had, before the days of the Resistance.
Gwydion could smell the gods' power, like the charge in the air before a violent storm.
I smell whiskey on your breath before post time tomorrow, and you won't get a second one.
Brazil knew a fight was coming, just like he could smell a storm before the front moved in.
Also you said that Blanquet smelled this just before the paseo.
But this smells like the old American system before direct elections.
Residents reported smelling gas before the explosion, but the authorities said the cause was not determined.
They begin to suspect that Matt's body is hidden in the gym, because Christa can smell it the day before the full moon.
Try as they might to maintain a clean, safe workplace, most miners smelled like sweaty mules well before the end of their shift.
Booly smelled the swamp long before he actually saw it.