I could smell him, rank and eager.
There were machine smells everywhere, raw and rank and difficult to sort through.
She smelled rank and stale, even though the breeze and the pace pushed her scent away from, not toward, him.
It was beginning to smell rank, like the inside of a gym locker; they spent too much time in their suits.
She smelled his closeness, rank and foxy.
Steam smelling rank and fetid geysered from cracks that split the hardened earth.
And his pipe- still smells rank.
And it smelled rank enough, God wot!
She models different outfits to select the most flattering; he sniffs through dirty laundry to pick the shirt that smells least rank.
The only drawback was that the air circulation system didn't seem to work very well- the station smelled rank, stale, and close.