Stephanie caught her eye and smiled angelically.
Cristina smiled angelically, then began an exploration of Blake's body that tested the limits of his control.
Finesse smiled angelically as she lightly brushed the dirt off his clothing.
Mairelon looked back over his shoulder and smiled angelically at Hunch.
Antonia pouted at him and then smiled angelically at him.
For his part, Mr. Jackson smiled angelically, shook the President's hand twice and spoke not one word.
She smiled angelically and reached her arms up for him.
He crossed his arms and smiled angelically, the shelllike crowns on his head looking like a halo.
I wanted to tell her that her children would very soon be killed and she shut the door in my face, smiling angelically at me.
To shock people back to sanity," he added, smiling angelically, "you have to make the death drive as seductive as possible.