He is a complex individual whose charming smile conceals a ruthless core.
Vincent's smile barely concealed a leer.
Her smile did not quite conceal an anxious edge.
Keeping his smile carefully concealed, Tanin managed to free the dagger, which he and Sturm used to cut off tree branches.
What madness to think this creature is all powerful, that his ready smile doesn't conceal a vulnerability as vast as his strength.
Ciesrt half-smiles, but the smile conceals nervousness.
His glittering false smiles and air of frivolity conceal the heart of a traitor and go-for-broke rebel leader.
Duvall's wry smile concealed the burn of genuine annoyance.
These words he spoke, but spoke not from his heart; His outward smiles conceal'd his inward smart.
The smiles and hugs during the expected dunk-a-thon in the final minutes did not conceal the reality.