Asked if he was ever tempted to try the same tactic during arduous trade negotiations, Mondale smiles enthusiastically.
Christopher was roused from his vision of hell by Decker's voice and now smiled enthusiastically.
Everyone laughed and raised their goblets as Adrian smiled enthusiastically at her comment.
When Shoz-Dijiji reached the end of the rope which was about the horse's neck he patted the animal admiringly and turned to the soldier, smiling enthusiastically.
She had thin lips, but Lan had the sense that when she wasn't worried, she smiled often and enthusiastically, as she was smiling now.
The waitress smiled enthusiastically.
The Israeli smiled enthusiastically, gave Katzen a thumbs-up, then ran in the direction of the cave.
Bobby smiled enthusiastically and got up.
Lord Oliver and Sir Robert held the hands of their mistresses, danced as the dancing master clapped time, and smiled enthusiastically.
The technician smiled enthusiastically at me.