David's familiar deep voice called out to her as she walked into the hall and she felt herself smiling involuntarily.
This feeling was so strong that he smiled involuntarily.
Lady Kalira smiled involuntarily at this reference to her former sovereign.
It fit the gap exactly, and the two men smiled involuntarily at each other.
Inside was a ring so pretty and feminine that I smiled involuntarily.
She smiled involuntarily as he stopped the car be fore the house.
The door opened and the major involuntarily smiled at the figure standing there, so totally out of place did she seem.
She was laughing into her hands, unconcerned with their plight for the moment, making him smile involuntarily.
She seemed to feel his scrutiny, for she looked up, smiling involuntarily.
Ben smiled involuntarily, but he refused to give her the satisfaction of putting up an argument.