Then, moving swiftly and smiling malevolently, he advanced on Kaseme, growling in Kyrosian.
I smiled rather malevolently at Masha, who lay on a bed, her chin cupped in her hand.
One of the killers, smiling malevolently, moves in for the kill.
Joachim removed his mask and smiled malevolently at his brother.
"You come and watch the launch," she advised, smiling malevolently.
Dugan poked Jericho with his weapon again and smiled malevolently.
He smiled malevolently, turned off the machine, took out the tape and left the room.
He smiled malevolently, his tattooed face a demonic mask.
Jane watched over us, smiling malevolently.
The conference room's only door swung open, and a malevolently smiling P. Curtis Hawks stepped in.