He was smiling patronizingly from under the rim of his helmet.
He looked around the table, smiling patronizingly.
The guy at my left shoulder smiled patronizingly.
The fox shrugged, smiling patronizingly at me Warlord.
The older knights smiled patronizingly at his plaints; some of the younger ones scoffed.
No, the salesman smiled patronizingly, we don't carry anything like that.
Then he smiled patronizingly at her.
She was older than I and she smiled patronizingly in my direction, evidently trying to show her priestess how nice she could be to strangers.
Creideiki was sarcastic, but he realized, as Metz smiled patronizingly, that the human took him seriously.
Smiling at me patronizingly, he said, "All right, dunce, you've said your nonsense, and we've had enough of it.