"Much obliged, Clyde," the little man replied, a smile shining.
His smile shone forth with renewed sincerity.
Hooper looked at her and smiled again - a pleasant, friendly smile that softened the sharpness of his features and made his light blue eyes shine.
The smile in his eyes shone still brighter.
She has seen many battles, yet her eyes sparkle clearly with innocence and her smile shines untainted.
She turned when Genny announced Le'lorinel, her smile bright on her freckled face, her green eyes shining under the crown of her tied-up red hair.
His smile shone through her.
Next to him, Dindabe's smile still shined.
Her familiar, loving smile shone out of her face, transforming it, making it suddenly familiar again.
A darkly charming smile shone forth in its place.