The second reason was that the smoke from both pipes and unattended oil lamps clouded the entire establishment with a haze of blue-gray fumes.
The smoke and ash clouded his eyes, and in the sky he saw a great winged snake whose roar was a river of flame.
The smoke of a large fire clouded the air inside the cabin, despite the hole in the ceiling.
Hot smoke clouded the cold morning air, and I thought I'd done as good a job as a girl could do under the circumstances.
The gun cracked sharply and more smoke clouded my vision, but he gave out with a surprised shriek, jerking away, one arm flailing.
Stores were looted and thick smoke clouded the predominantly black neighborhood just south of downtown.
Lewinski coughed as smoke from flames and mist from the fire-suppressing sprays clouded the bridge.
Behind them blue smoke curled and clouded above the treetops, and through the thickets he could sometimes see a distant pink glare.
When smoke clouded the region, a hole would open in the wall.
There are so many that smoke has clouded the worlds.