And, to clinch the whole matter, the smoked cigarettes in the grate corresponded to the one you found in her case.
The men and women sat drinking coffee, and many smoked cigarettes.
Cardona had already noticed smoked cigarettes in ash trays.
On the sidewalk, three young women in black smoked cigarettes in little sip-like puffs.
All smoked cigarettes as they toiled, single file, along the trail.
He tossed an occasional %omment to the officer on duty and smoked cigarette after cigarette, light them from the butt of the last.
They drank coffee amid smoked cigarettes, littering the floor with ground-omit stubs.
Some smoked cigarettes; some passed around alcohol whiled they waited to get in.
Fewer in the group had uncontrolled high blood pressure and far fewer smoked cigarettes.
A few smoked cigarettes; others ate the honey-soaked pastry that was passed around.