My father, who had smoked for about 40 years, since the age of 12, quit smoking about 20 years ago.
She has smoked since the age of 16, but stopped for three years after becoming pregnant with her daughter.
No." "I hoped perhaps you had, because you've not smoked since dinner.
He hadn't smoked since college, and for the first two months at Trumble he'd resisted the temptation.
She had smoked cigarettes since at least the age of 15 and had continued to smoke heavily for many years.
Vickie's friend Katherine, 46, has smoked intermittently since her college days, but she limits it to specific times and places.
He says he has not smoked a cigarette since February.
But sickness and age can catch up to anyone, especially those, like Mr. Yulsman, who have smoked since childhood.
The 57-year-old woman has smoked since age 8 and was diagnosed with lung cancer four months ago.
He had smoked the same pipe tobacco since 1942.