It was a simple room, with a well-swept floor of smooth wooden planks and a single window, its curtains pulled back to admit light.
He could feel smooth wooden planks under his hands.
Several young people were sliding down the hill on smooth planks.
After the first metre of fragrant, smooth plank had been extruded from the hatch the colony worked like robots.
She walked to him and sat down on the deck beside his chair, the planks smooth and hot under her bare legs.
The graying master looks at the smooth planks underfoot.
They approached the workers, who were lining up long, smooth planks of wood and nailing them to stout crosspieces.
A smooth plank, magically supported, ran ashore and steadily supported those who walked on it.
His finger left no mark on the smooth planks, but Sharina's eyes followed the gesture into an outline of the Lady.
With a dry clatter the log partitioned itself into a dozen smooth planks.