He opened his eyes again and watched as she drove down a smooth, paved ramp, slipping into the heavy flow of traffic without a pause.
He looked to his left and saw a smooth ramp leading down underneath the tube the capsule travelled in.
The scraps of cut stone had been used to make a smooth ramp from the cliff face to ground level.
Instead of a single narrow route to the top, the ants now had a smooth, black ramp that rose at an easy, convenient angle.
Another opened beyond, smaller, set with an opening through which smooth ramps led up and down.
It was as if they were on a smooth, glass ramp rising to the heavens.
Then some more smooth ramp, then another section of sand.
The steps suddenly shortened until they became a smooth ramp.
They passed down a smooth ramp, where on Earth there would have been stairs.
By the time she returned, Jack had dug out a smooth ramp of dirt down to the chest, angling under the old stump.