Family-business experts say the family is something of an anomaly in devising a smooth transfer between generations.
Mr. Clinton said several times before this election that he was determined to work out a smoother transfer of power for his successor.
They allowed a smooth transfer of power despite the wide range of angles through which they were bent.
They were designed to create disorder and to impede the smooth transfer of power.
"We will be working hard together to achieve our common purpose - the smooth transfer of defense responsibility for Hong Kong."
Ten months ago, Merrill Lynch, the nation's biggest brokerage house, announced its plans for a long, smooth transfer of power.
We've done everything we can to assure a smooth transfer.
Starting next year, the participants said, the tie-in will offer passengers smoother transfers among flights on the five carriers.
It was an aesthetic pleasure to watch the swiftly circling body, the quick change of grip, the smooth transfer from one bar to the other.
Cooperative nation-building is the key to a smooth transfer of power.