Some animals such as snakes or legless lizards move on their smooth dry underside.
I bring my hands up, each hand open against the stretched smooth underside of each thigh.
It curved backwards in a mighty bow, exposing a smooth underside.
Federal regulations require that fences abutting public lands have a smooth underside to allow wildlife to slip underneath.
Measuring 2.2 to 3.3 cm (0.9-1.3 in) high and 0.6-0.7 cm wide, it has inrolled margins and a smooth underside.
He exhibited the smooth underside of a bowl that appeared mildly pitted.
There were mountains floating above a soft blue sea, resisting gravity, their undersides flat and smooth.
And, although it isn't a safety feature per se, we appreciate the base's smooth underside that won't damage vehicle seats.
Within a few seconds his palm touched the smooth underside of me hull.
"One of the biggest gains in decreasing drag is if the design has a smooth underside, which you can't really see."