There is something odd about the four smooth-faced, jaunty young men who make up Team Daedalus, as the pilots are known.
The smooth-faced men wore tattersall shirts and khaki or linen shorts.
Its rider was a smooth-faced man with skin the color of old ivory, and his almond eyes were amused.
Then he smiled suavely as he observed a dark-eyed, smooth-faced man lounging in an easy chair.
Lying on the seat, eyes open, bloody but still alive, was the smooth-faced man, with his pistol aimed at the door.
A balding, smooth-faced man, he could have been anywhere between forty and sixty.
The pale and smooth-faced old man spoke once again.
The latter was a smooth-faced man with finely molded features and clear, gray eyes that bespoke intelligence and courage.
Here and now, the smooth-faced man looked even younger than his years.
"Madame, your demands are meaningless to me," the smooth-faced man said quietly.