"Supernanny" allows viewers to wallow in the smug assurance that compared with the Jeanses or the Orms, their own households are flawlessly run.
She had believed the techs' smug assurance that ten years was the theoretical minimum for the duration of a bobble.
The country needs more than smug assurances that Governor Clinton, like everyone else (including President Bush), is ready for change.
I don't think John understands this consciously, but some part of him does, because his air of smug assurance is getting a little thin.
As the thought crossed her dazed mind, she felt a smug assurance beneath her, as if to say "I know exactly where I am going."
Added with her smug assurance was the scent of her heat driving him crazy.
FOR almost three years John Major and Norman Lamont have been trotting out smug assurances that all was well in Tory Britain.
Her words wiped the smug assurance off his face.
She gazed at Sarah with smug assurance.
That system is destroyed if the smug assurances of each age are removed from the democratic process and written into the Constitution.