He took a step backwards; Khouri glimpsed part of the Captain behind him, silvery and muculent, like a statue covered with a palimpsest of snail tracks.
The drop on the end of his nose trembled and fell; it glistened like a snail track on his scarf.
Presently I came in sight of the sea, blue and smeared with currents like snail tracks beyond a stretch of yellow, gorse-covered headland.
Joanna thought she saw, ephemeral as the silver gleam of snail tracks in the daylight, the flicker of runes beneath his fingers.
He stood gazing at his roof where the giant snail track was washed away.
Curved lines, like snail tracks, on brown earth.
There was a puddle of yellow in the grass where the mummy's head had been, and a long yellow snail track ending at the business end of the poker.
Our steed surged forward, arcing past the herd, leaving a long, dull snail track of smashed grass.
Just the faintest hint of a sheen, like an old snail track.
Mary had stopped crying, but her nose was red and shir in her white face, and a small snail track showed on hi upper lip.