The only thing in the room was a small box, plugged into the wall, with a network cable snaking away into the phone jack.
A hand snaked out of the darkness and physically away!
There were none, so they popped out of the brush onto the river road and snaked away toward town in the darkness.
The double column of running warriors snaked away across the glade and into the forest.
The hand light picked out Garcia's safety line snaking away in the darkness.
The other end of the cable, weighted down by the anchor, snaked away.
The hoses snaked away into the mist, unwillingly following the men dragging at them.
The wall snaked away, deserted and desolate, to the far faint beginnings of mountains.
The long tunnel snaked down and away, empty behind them as far as they could see.
A corridor, equally narrow, snaked away into darkness, following the wall.