The snakelike neck of the plesiosaur lashed out and the knight hauled his chaliko up just in time to escape the dagger teeth.
Finally he made out a shaggy snakelike neck, rising from the profile of a small centaur.
It had a long, snakelike neck and huge bat wings.
He could see Zakath directing two-handed blows at the snakelike neck, but the heavy, overlapping scales defeated his best efforts.
The turtle's head whipped around savagely at the end of its snakelike neck, attempting to take a bite out of its new attacker.
Its snakelike neck dropped forward and its head angled toward the squirming mariner.
The blade hissed through the dusty air, striking the mutie bird just below the point where its angular skull articulated with his snakelike neck.
The animal's long and snakelike neck thrust its head among the fleeing fish, grabbing one.
She swung her snakelike neck around, sending incandescent billows of flame into the wooden structures surrounding the yard.
They were the strangest he had ever seen - long snakelike necks, small ugly heads, scrawny bodies, and those long, scaly legs!