"What happens if they make a snap inspection of the strongroom?"
Tensions are already high amongst the nurses as a visiting Colonel has arrived to perform a snap inspection on Major Houlihan, her nurses and their routines.
The care services minister, Paul Burstow, told Radio 4's Today programme that the strategy would be one of "more snap inspections, backed up by tough enforcement".
It is the first arms agreement to allow each side to station personnel outside the other's weapons production plants and to demand snap inspections of a wide range of military installations.
American observers exercised their right for the first time last August with a snap inspection of a Warsaw Pact military exercise near Minsk.
Maybe he went off on a personal scouting trip, or a snap inspection of some outpost.
It is designed to give families more power to raise concerns about schools and can, with other indicators, trigger a snap inspection.
As they were starting their third patrol, the captain had unexpectedly appeared and performed a snap inspection.
Sean just might call a snap inspection, they had Fall the day after tomorrow.
"I'm going to make a snap inspection."