Vespa is a short, snappy name that says Italy.
Ugliness and triviality are equally specious reasons for changing such a snappy name.
After improvements and a significant overhaul, the program doesn't just have a new face - it has a "snappy" new name, too.
In the subsequent investigation, the process acquired a snappy name: pay to play.
"We realized that the public wanted snappy names that were connected with the subjects."
Can you think of a new snappy name for our club?
Since the 90's are half over, the first crucial business for a trend-teller is to give them a snappy, smart name.
The field's snappy new name is ludology, from ludus, Latin for game.
I'll give you odds that he can come up with a dozen snappy names that are infinitely and enduringly better.
When corporations merge, certain things usually result: a snappy new name, a single person running the show, consolidated departments.