Robert Carter, the executive chef, obviously has a few sneaky moves in his repertory.
There was no sign of sneaky moves.
The W17,600 lunch sets are excellent, and in a sneaky move the irresistible desserts are always on display.
One peek over your shoulder - one sneaky move - it's curtains.
Rhys, that was a sneaky move!
Omally considered that to be a pretty sneaky move by any reckoning.
Get ready for gadgets, sneaky moves, and hair-raising adventures!
Tight end Brent Jones capped the drive with a sneaky move near the goal line and a catch high overhead, directly over the back and head of linebacker Greg Biekert.
Forward Shandon Anderson hit a 3-pointer and forward Vin Baker made a sneaky move in the lane reminiscent of his better days.
Whether this desire will translate into victory for Proposition 77 depends on what those undecided voters have come to perceive: is this a sneaky move by the governor or sincere attempt at change?