His wide mouth spread in a sneering grin, exposing teeth like sharpened chisels.
Deegan was lounging almost at her elbow, a sneering grin on his lips.
Some had sneering grins on their faces, others expressions of savage hatred.
His mouth was set in a habitual sneering grin.
Brume turned back to the convent, a sneering grin on his face.
His mouth was twisted in a sneering grin.
Ham's mouth twisted into a sneering grin, as he looked at the big chemist.
The brass-booted man, their leader, it seemed, tugged the kerchief from his face with a sneering yellow grin.
Suddenly realizing this was precisely the spiteful pattern to be expected from Lutt, Ryll assumed a sneering grin.
Then the sneering grin slid from his face and he breathed a sigh of relief.