Lwaxana sneezed loudly, then thought, Yes, there is.
He rubbed his itching nose, pulled out his handker-chief and sneezed loudly into it.
He sniffed again and leaned over the bassinet, then recoiled and sneezed loudly.
With gaping mouth and head far back he stood still and, after an instant, sneezed loudly.
Seeing us, he sneezed loudly, got up grumbling, and stumbled off toward the woods across the pasture.
Sneezing loudly, he backed away, undecided whether to growl or not while curling his upper lip into a sort of half snarl.
He stopped for a moment to sneeze loudly.
The dragon turned instantly from green to orange, sneezing loudly.
He sneezed loudly, and the startled cat leaped from his lap across the desk, clawing papers.
He sneezes loudly and is forced to wipe his nose on the lining of his pocket.