At the door he sneezed once again, this time bespattering the Japanese.
The mare sneezed once and gave Kero a rather astonished look, but didn't really seem to object.
"And you noticed that, when you first came into the room, I sneezed once or twice?"
She sneezed once, almost awakened, then squirmed back to her original position and relaxed.
She sneezed once, violently, and dug out a tissue.
She sneezed once, twice, and groped for her pocket handkerchief.
He drew the poncho closer, sneezed once, and thought of the medicine he had left at home.
Not even any smoke that he noticed immediately, though he did sneeze once.
Tregare opened his eyes, sneezed once and sat up.
At last, the retriever shook itself, sneezed once, and slowly came forward.