This is considered to be a snide reference to Cecil Rhodes, at the height of his power and influence at the time of writing.
He used snide references to Mr. Abrams's "Fifth Avenue" apartment and "51-acre estate" to portray the staid Attorney General as a rich man.
She did not miss the snide reference.
We don't deserve his snide reference as the benchmark of overdevelopment.
I e-mailed everyone new lyrics to "Leader of the Pack" featuring only moderately snide references to Liberty.
Toward the end, he could not resist mentioning a snide reference to Hackensack in Mr. Miller's best-known work.
Mr. du Pont offered an equally snide reference to the Vice President's credentials.
She meant to be conciliatory, but she realized that her comment might be misconstrued as a snide reference to her father's dismay over store-bought cookies.
Why spoil it by a snide reference to a legal profession 'in eighteenth century fancy dress'?
But in researching the literature, he had run across a snide reference to one of the devices in Mir's Kvant-1 module.