His voice failed, and he sniffed noisily.
Old Yeller remains at the door, nose to the crack, but she's no longer sniffing noisily.
Without warning, Tarleton pounced to the floor on all fours and sniffed noisily at the bottom crack between door and frame.
She stopped; he grinned, showing a mouth with half the teeth missing, and rubbed his nose on the back of his hand, sniffing noisily.
Dona Marguerita sniffed noisily and spat into a bowl.
The newly beaten and untied Wilfred was sniffing noisily in the background.
Jordie, Jordan," he corrected himself and sniffed noisily.
Slowly she bent her head forward slightly and sniffed noisily at Grant's hand.
The advocate lifted her face plate and sniffed noisily.
A step at a time she came in, then extended her neck to full stretch and sniffed noisily at the cake.