The odor from the cigarette made Blair and Whorter sniff sharply.
She sniffed sharply.
After a moment, she sniffed sharply, shook her hair away from her face, met his gaze.
He frowned and sniffed sharply two or three times.
Flann's wife, Adine, a plump woman with a self-contented eye, sniffed sharply.
He leaned toward the itinerant parson and sniffed sharply.
Macho sniffed sharply, lowered his nose to Roscoe's head and sniffed again.
It was only two or three minutes before Derkhan sniffed sharply and sat up.
Police noses sniffed sharply at it.
He sniffed sharply, spreading the wings of his nose, really flaring the old nostrils.