Bricks are piled in front of a broken window, creating a sniper position.
Go up a few stories and move to sniper positions.
High above, on the old Byzantine citadel, the regime has set up sniper positions, so it can fire at will into the streets below.
Lara rose and kept the two men covered as Donos ran down from his sniper position.
Other holes could be seen in buildings nearby - previous sniper positions, and a sign that insurgents probably knew the area is often watched.
You look like you're going to check a sniper position.
All trainees learn how to set sniper positions around a building with hostages in it.
Then he set up a good sniper position, including dragging a couple of the cooling bodies over for cover.
It was necessary to wipe out several sniper positions before actual work could begin.
"This allowed them to choose sniper positions and place booby-traps on all possible access routes."