As a student at a prestigious high school, she begins with a snobbish attitude towards the fashion design students.
He has a snobbish attitude, always looking down on others, and is not a St. Francesca Academy student.
He has a snobbish attitude and sees mutants as the superior race.
They lived in a large house with fine gardens, and were unpopular locally, due to their snobbish attitudes.
You don't have to impress anybody and no one has a snobbish attitude.
I'm stating the obvious here but the film industry as a whole has a snobbish attitude towards comedy.
It is about the whole business of modern living now, rather than about old snobbish attitudes.
What is worse, the film's snobbish subliminal attitude undermines its egalitarian message.
Mallory's back went up at his snobbish attitude.
If anyone doubted whether this country had a snobbish attitude towards science/ engineering, they only need to read this thread to prove the point.