Here, every volume element is splatted, as Lee Westover said, like a snow ball, on to the viewing surface in back to front order.
"Maybe throwing snow balls at cars, but nothing more," he said.
If the snow ball reaches the bottom of the grass it may tear up some grass, gravel, dirt etc.
At the "snow ball," as he called his gala, ice-cream cake was served, "and the house was decorated pretty much in white."
Frosty battles by transforming his frozen body in various ways, creating snow balls, ice picks, and other such weapons.
Regulars buying snow balls at the Ortolano's grocery store became fascinated with George's invention.
While he is still standing and thinking what to do, a hostile sea lion hurls a snow ball at him.
Even those who don't have a snow ball's chance.
This was also known as the "snow ball" game.
Demonstrators responded with snow balls and lumps of ice.